Saturday, August 30, 2008

What is your signature look?

I loved the recent post on Style It Less, asking if you have a signature look and if so, what is it?

I believe everyone, at their core, has a signature look. You may try to go away from it with trends, haircuts, colors, makeup, etc but inevitably you always seem to come back. Because your signature look is where you feel most like you. (There is your psychology for the day from Dr. Leslie)

Thinking about myself, I think I have a few "signature looks":

  • My hair. It's always been short (never in my lifetime past my shoulders) and has been flippy most of my adult life. Oh sure, sometimes it may be shorter, sometimes it may be a bit longer; one month it could be choppy, the next structured, the next soft curls. But at the core, it's short and it flips in some way. I tried to move away from it for a short period of time into a short, straight bob, but alas in the end, it didn't take long to come back to "me" and my signature look (although my family, in hatred of the failed bob, would tell you it took forever...).
  • My high heels--most of the time with extremely pointy toes. I love heels. In fact, I'm convinced my foot is in a permanent arch. It's a rare day indeed that you don't see me in heels, even on the weekend. Oh it happens, but I feel short, squatty, and "un-me" the entire day without them. I'm quite sure my feet and/or back will give out one day as a result of my heel wearing and walking in them for miles--but until then, I'll stand taller, prouder and sassier in my heels.
  • Dark lipstick--its usually a reddish brown and I feel completely pale without a bold lipstick
What do you think? Do you think everyone has a signature look? And if so what is yours?


Toni said...

Don't forget "tailored." Very few of your clothes are what I would call "unstructured." You generally wear clothes with clean lines.

AND, last but not least, you have the best shoe collection this side of the Rockies:-)

Kelly said...

Interesting question!

I have dark brown hair, which I almost always wear down. I'll put it up when it's necessary, like when I'm washing my face or on a roller coaster, but most of my friends have never seen me with it up. And I've been dying it just about the same color since I was 13.

Also, except for a day or two a week when I like to wear jeans, I wear skirts as often as I possibly can. And you will never find me in pants any fancier than jeans. If the occasion is fancier than jeans, then I'm wearing a skirt or a dress! One day about a year ago, I had about 10 minutes to get ready for a nice-ish occasion. I hadn't shaved in a while, so I had to wear pants. I just felt uncomfortable and out of sorts the entire night.

Kelly said...

oh, and I do think that almost everyone has a signature look. But every once in a while you run across someone who changes their look all the time without any constants, and I have to say that I find it disconcerting. I like to look at my friends and recognize them!

90-Dayer said...

My signature look is definitely heels! I wear some sort of heel every day. If I wear flats to work, everyone looks at me kind of weird, LOL. Seriously! Great question.

KT said...

Scandalous at it is, my signature look is my ballcap. When not at work I spend 95% of my time in my favorite Indiana ballcap. No joke, my mother in law asked if I was planning on wearing it to my wedding. I have had people run into me without it and stated that they had never seen my real hair without the ball cap on!

Anonymous said...

Love that question! I'd say my signature look is chunky heels, big curly hair, and embellished skirts. Though I feel like I've really only defined it within the past 5 years.

Tracey said...

My signature look is a classed-up Peg Bundy. All animal print, all the time. You know my motto.. leopard print is a neutral! :)

Jamie said...

I have to say, I love accessories! I always mix up my purses and my jewelry no matter what outfit. You can always make shorts and a t-shirt adorable with the right piece.