For those of you not living in Louisville or not sports fans, the Ryder Cup was this past weekend. It's the biggest sporting event in golf, pitting the best of the Americans against the Europeans. If you haven't already picked up by reading the blog, I'm a massive sports fan. I've been to some fabulous games before. I've been to 2 PGA Championships; traveled to Texas A&M, Annapolis, Texas and Ohio St for football games; numerous Bowl Games; the UofL vs WVU game in 2006 where a national championship berth was on the line (only to be dashed by Rutgers the following week but I try to forget that) and I was so excited and nervous I couldn't eat all day; and most notably the 2005 Final Four in St. Louis where Louisville played Illinois. I've seen a lot-- but I have never seen anything like the excitement, the atmosphere and the exhilaration of the Ryder Cup! Where else can you hear Europeans sing Ole, see Leprechauns on the course, watch a US player ride his driver down the fairway like a stick horse Happy Gilmore style or see golf fans do the wave and cheer when a ball hits the water? I'm still on such a high right now that I would place the experience above the Final 4 on my list of life sporting events-- I can safely say the only thing that could eclipse the Ryder Cup would be seeing UofL win a national championship in person.
And the U.S. won the Cup! I was worried when I realized I ate Lucky Charms for breakfast that morning. I was hoping that I didn't curse the team and my ever reasonable father assured me that I didn't. And what a celebration it was!
Anyhow, I'm gushing. Let me get to the point.
As interesting as anything was seeing the difference in fashion between the Americans and Europeans. The Americans were classic all week -- khaki, navy and red--and even argyle one day! (A special shout out to the self proclaimed "bad-ass and man of the people" Anthony Kim who always has a blingy belt buckle-- his specially made Ryder Cup buckle is pictured below).
In contrast to the classic Americans, the Europeans were....well, very European. They wore shirts that (particularly in person) were the brightest aquamarine you've ever seen. Pair them with snug fitting white pants and well....they were very European. Enough said.
Just as interesting was what the WAGS (Wives and Girfriends) were wearing. Their outfits coordinated as well. Like the men, the American women went classic, wearing versions of navy, khaki and red. (The wives of the team captains assist in the design of the women's and men's wardrobes). Pictured below is what they wore Saturday. On Sunday the women simply wore navy skirts and red polos. They coordinated well with the men each day and their outfits were flattering on each and every body type.
I was so very disappointed in the European women though! Their best outfit day (pictured below) was a blah unflattering shirt of pale yellow and white with khakis. And that was the good day. The worst was 2 days they made them wear (and I don't lie) ivory polyester gauchos with cargo pockets (and a pale blue tank which you didn't even notice because of how awful the ivory cargo gauchos were). They were so dreadful I scoured the internet for a pic and could not find one. What was even worse was just that they were so unflattering-- the Euro WAGS were all tiny blonde things- and they didn't even look good in them.
So what did I wear you ask?
Saturday, I was auditioning for the American Wives and Girlfriends club. (Hunter Mahan- above in red hitting the shot of the tournament- is my new golf crush- and he's a bachelor. Hunter-- call me. Look how well I already fit in! I know the sport, I'll cheer for me Hunter.)
And I promised my dad a shout out. When the rain started Saturday morning and my hair was quickly wilting, Dad saved the day by giving me his khaki and red (it even matched) ball cap. Thanks Dad! And the picture below was taken at 5:50 a.m. and was the best I looked all day--the drizzle started at 6:45 a.m. and on went the ball cap.
Red Tee: Old Navy
Men's Stripe Necktie worn as belt: Ralph Lauren
Khaki Skirt: J Crew
Sneakers: Keds
Sunday I wore my official Ryder Cup polo, khakis and a red bracelet since Captain Paul Azinger asked us to wear red.White Ryder Cup Polo: Some overpriced brand of logo wear
Khakis: Limited
Bracelet: Forever 21
Sneakers: Keds
Monday, September 22, 2008
Ryder Cup Fashion
Posted by Leslie at 7:17 PM
Labels: jcrew, Leslie, Old Navy, The Limited
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Did anyone else notice that most american wives you saw were all blondes? leslie, you don't fit in. :) Go blonde or go home. haha
Ive been blonde! I can go blonde again! Plus there were a couple brunettes. They could use some balance.
Did I give you those khakis? If so, keep them because they look far better on you than they do on me.
I definitely think you can be a part of the club. You look better than them. Don't you love wearing that tie/belt? it's fun! Also, daddy said we lost to Illinois, not UNC! He wants to know if you really attended!
Cute outfits, but we've gotta work on your goals! First Lady, golfing WAG...that's just marrying well. YOU need to be the one doing something awesome, not some guy you get lucky and marry. You should be the catch, not him!
I like your tie/belt too! Super cute and preppy.
Oh my it was Illinois! Because all their fans kept trying to scalp our tickets. I'll make an edit.
And Ally- Don't get me wrong, I intend to always be able to support myself and do my own things. But a First Lady can do so much more than what many of them have done in the past. Thats the kinda FL I want to be :-) And WAG- well, you know my affinity for athletic boys...
You seriously might be the most adorable person I know. I think you fit perfectly in there.
Leslie, I say there is NOTHING wrong with being a WAG. Go for it!
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