Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Wednesday -- Ally

Happy Hump Day! We've had some beautiful, cool fall weather and I couldn't be more excited. The mornings are much cooler than the afternoons (25+ degree difference most days) so it's been a guessing game on how to dress. However, I have strong opinions about "seasonal" dressing and will rant about that another day (in short: We work and live in temperature controlled environments...why all the bundling in the office? Why?).

Shirt: JCP

Pants: Old Navy

Scarf as belt: vintage Echo (via ebay)

Shoes: Cole Haan

You might notice something a little different...I had my hair cut! I average about 4 haircuts every 3 years so this is a big deal. The last one was in early January 2008 and I made it until October before I got the itch to change it. For what it's worth, I don't heat style or do anything to my hair so my ends don't get icky and ratty. The girl who did my hair was shocked to learn it'd been nearly a year and said she couldn't tell - so there! :)

However, I still needed a cut and wanted some sort of style. Tracey's hair is the cutest (you'd see it if she ever posted...hint hint!) so I went to her gal at Z Salon. We talked about my current 'do (or lack of) and how much effort I'm willing to put in for styling (5 min tops) and all my crazy requirements (must go in pony tail, no weird layers by my face, no short bangs, must look good on days I wash 'n dash). Fortunately, she didn't kick me out of her chair and went to work. She gave me a cut that's cute but takes all of 5 minutes in the morning. Thanks, Trae, for guilting me into getting my hair did. :)'s not THAT drastic to most (Hell, Al didn't even notice I had it cut. No words, ladies. No words.) but to me it is. She gave me some swoopy bangs on both sides of my part and a shorter layer about mid-way through.

Tameka (the hair goddess) said my hair would look longer and she's right! I've had several folks say how much longer it looks and how they didn't know it was this long before. Tameka cut about an inch off the bottom too and put layers in it as well. She did magic I say.

Oh and honey, even the stinky UPS guy noticed my new 'do. Just sayin'. I know you said my hair looked cute (and it did), but when you buzz off all your hair w/clippers I notice that. Same difference, right? :)

As an aside I wanted to post a pic from the weekend. Al and I met up with some friends for the Trolley Hop and before I could bitch about how hot it was in the gallery (OMG HOT), a friend pointed out our Congressman, John Yarmuth, standing behind us. He's running for re-election and evidently we walked into the gallery who was hosting him for the evening.

Anyway, we met with him and shook hands and chatted for a bit and then all were major nerds and had our pics taken with him. Regardless of where you lie politically, it's always cool to meet someone who's in DC and representing you and this was no different. He was very friendly and said he's having the time of his life up there.


Nic Ridley said...

I LOVE it! Especially the bangs - great cut!

Unknown said...

Your hair looks cute and the outfit is awesome!

KT said...

Your hair looks frigging amazing! It opens up your entire face and makes your eyes sparkle. Nice look!

Anonymous said...

your hair looks fab!

yiqin; said...

You look so happy & brilliant! I love this outfit :D

ohthatgirl said...

*whistles* Hey girl, Hai!

Anonymous said...

I love the new 'do almost as much as I love your scarf-as-belt. You're my belt-wearing hero, Ally.

Kelly said...

I love the hair!!! It looks so perfect on you!

Unknown said...

Love the hair, love the scarf. You look awesome. I agree about the over bundling in offices, insane!

Louella said...

i've all aready commented about your hair but again it looks great. the other thing is Yarmuth - great picture. they need you in washington.

Ally said...

Oh my goodness, ladies! Thank you so much :) I'd say I should get my hair cut more often, but you know that's a lie!

Mama - do they not have enough people bitching and moaning up there already? You know that's all I'd do. Bitch and boss old men around. Wait..maybe you're on to something... :)

90-Dayer said...

OK, I'm late but, love the due! And you know I Looooovvvveee a good scarf-belt :O)

Leslie said...

Love it! It really shows of your face a lot and has some excellent shape and swing!!! Dont wait 8 months again :-) It looks so cute like this!

Leslie said...

side note, I dont think you have but did you color your hair?

it looks far more strawberry blonde/reddish in person and your up close pic looks totally brunette. may just be lighting....

Ally said...

Nope, no color. In the full-length pic, it's all dark (bad lighting) but I'm not sure why it's weird in the close up...

You saw me the other night in the car - same color it was then - maybe it looks darker b/c some of the ends were whacked off?

E said...

Muffin, you know I looooove the hair! I also love that top you're wearing!! It's a glorious color on you. And I'm still jealous you nabbed those pants.

Anonymous said...

I am so behind in my comments this week, but I just have to say - I love this! The scarf with the button up is fantastic. I love the hair cut also!