Saturday, October 11, 2008

Getting to know the COTC gals

We were recently tagged by Elisabeth at Living the Fabulous Life to share eleven things about ourselves. We thought you may find this to be a good way to get to know each of us more- heck, we learned something new about each other as well. Below are eleven of our different "favorites"


Clothes shop - Target, NY&Co, Old Navy

Furniture shop
- IKEA is awesome. I could live there if they'd let me.

- I like sweet-salty combos. I love Culver's Chocolate custard in a waffle cone though.

- Louisville has my heart.

- water and coffee

- I listen to just about everything. I like 91.9 WFPK (local radio) the best

- Like Jamie, my ti-faux is almost full! Lost, Samantha Who?, Boston Legal (I LOVE JAMES SPADER), Gossip Girl, 90210, Project Runway, America's Next Top Model, Rachel Zoe Project (I used to dislike her but I've learned it was for no good reason. Love her now. SHUT IT DOWN), Graham Norton Show (ti-faux it. It's on BBC and he's fabulous), Kentucky Life (I love KET too), and a hundred other shows. I watch a LOT of TV and I'm pretty sure Al hates me for all the crap I make him watch.

- Breakfast at Tiffany's, Caddyshack, Fletch, Fight Club, Kill Bill

- hahahahahahahahahaha That's cute.

- Yes, please!

- Loooove coffee. I take mine with cream, no sugar. I love all things espresso, but would rather more coffee than milk in my drinks. I don't like sweet coffee drinks either. Blech!


Clothes shop: Target and the Limited…Two words, RETAIL THERAPY! These stores always stroke my ego and make me feel special!

Furniture shop: IKEA…I cannot get enough of this store! You can find really hip and unique items without breaking your wallet.

Sweet: Dark Chocolate…I could swim in a sea of dark chocolate. One of my favorite things to bake with.

City: San Diego, CA…What a beautiful town, those who have been there know exactly what I am talking about!

Drink: Coffee and water…Coffee is what keeps me ticking and water is what keeps me alive! Ha!

Music: Big music fan! I love anything across the board!

TV: Let’s put it this way, it is only halfway thru the week and my TIVO is almost full. Top 5 right now have to be Private Practice, Dirty Sexy Money, How I Met Your Mother, Fringe, and The Office.

Film: An Affair to Remember is my favorite movie of all time. Big Carey Grant fan.

: Spinning, Pilates and Walking

Pastries: Apple Strudel I guess, not a huge pastry gal.

Coffee: I am on this huge kick right now of Dunkin Donuts. They have this Blueberry Coffee that is so delicious! But my favorite coffee is from a small coffee shop in Park Hills, KY called Reality Tuesdays. I would go to there everyday before work for like 5 years. I miss it!


Clothes shop: The Limited and CAbi (not a shop but you know...)

Furniture shop:
??? I don't really buy furniture. Z Gallerie maybe?

Graeter's Ice Cream

City: Hmmm....this is difficult- I've been to a ton of great American cities- LA, New York, Boston, Dallas, Miami, Savannah...but I still have to place London at the top of the list.

: Im currently addicted to Fresca--but Diet Coke is the long standing addiction.

: Anything top 40ish

: Seriously? One show? Sorry no can do. Brothers & Sisters, Grey's Anatomy, Lipstick Jungle, Dirty Sexy Money Greek and Gossip Girl are the top 6

: All time favorite is Dead Poets Society; recent fave was 27 Dresses and the Devil Wears Prada (I'll have to tell the story sometime of going to see TDWP in the theatre on vacation with my entire family...)

: Pilates or walking on nice days

: Cinnamon rolls

: Don't like coffee. Diet Coke provides my caffeine shot when needed


Clothes Shop: Marshall's-- I can always find something there to spend my money on.

Furniture Shop
: Value City-- Good sturdy, fashionable furniture for half the price of other stores.

: Dark chocolate

: Chicago

: Diet Sunkist. It's my crack.

: I'm not much for the newer music. My 2 favorite "newer" artists are John Mayer and Jason Mraz. Other than that, I'm really an 80 yr old woman trapped in a 35 yr old's body. I like blues, old motown and big band... Aretha Franklin, Frank Sinatra, Harry Connick Jr and Michael Buble are faves too.

The Office. Love it. LOVE.

: Forrest Gump

: Is this a trick question?

: croissants with nutella

: Pumpkin spice latte from Starbucks


Jane said...

It's nice getting to know you all - Forest Gump is a favourite of mine too!

Robyn said...

I admit I was skeptical of the blueberry coffee at Dunkin, but my son loves blueberry anything, so we gave it a try. Delish! Thanks!