Friday, November 7, 2008

Punk and Prep

Red Cord Moto Jacket: Mossimo

Black Wrap Tee: CAbi

Jeans: CAbi

Houndstooth Heels: Chinese Laundry

Metal and Pearl Chains: Charlotte Russe

A little punk with the moto style jacket and chains....and a little prep with the houndstooth heels. I love combinations like these--just a little bit unexpected. I felt pretty sassy walking around in this all day!

I love this jacket so much I asked Santa for a similar black leather version for Christmas. I've been sending Santa links for a couple months now (I like to make things easy for the big man when he's so busy so I start early). However, Santa took her time and now they are sold out! So Santa is on the search for a cute but not too punk black leather moto jacket! If you see any cute, afforable versions like the one Ann Taylor had featured in all their ads recently, let me know!


Kasmira said...

This is an adorable look! I love the colored jacket, chains, and houndstooth heels.

ohthatgirl said...

I love this preppy/punk look on you. You definitely rocked it. :o)

Tara Wasson said...

Very cute!!!

Katie Keisler said...

Love, Love, LOVE the chains! Very cute!