Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Kickin it up in purple tights

Black Leather Blazer: Mossimo

Black Hourglass Sweater (not able to see): CAbi

Charcoal Pencil Skirt: Express

Plum Tights: Merona

Pumps: Type Z

Scarf: Mark

I went straight to meetings this morning and started with one of my "bosses" (I have just one "big boss" who I officially report to but several internal stakeholders I also often refer to as "bosses"). He walked out of his office, looked down once, looked down twice and then looked down yet again. I could just see the wheels turning in his head thinking "Are her legs purple??" The answer was yes! Unless you work in a completely conservative office environment, I think colored tights are a great way to add some unexpected flash to a neutral outfit. They have just not been worn for so many years by most people which I think is what causes the initial shock factor the first time you see someone wearing them. They have been a hit though. I've only worn these twice and have had more people stop and ask me where I got them then I can count on both hands.

I have a pair of red I'm going to introduce soon as well. Any other color tights ideas you think would be fun to incorporate? I'm also wanting a pair of large gray and black houndstooth print tights. I think those would be very fun with a black dress.

(Sad news to note--as I was walking back to the office this afternoon, I felt wobbly all of a sudden. My left heel had started to break! I clomped down the street the rest of the way to keep it from separating any more than it already was. I'm taking them to the shoe repair man tomorrow to see if repair is possible. Cross your fingers--I've grown pretty fond of these!)


Katie Keisler said...

Wow! That's super bold! But in a good way! Love it!


Anonymous said...

I have the self-same pair of tights and ADORE them.

Jules said...

that is a great shade of purple - love

Hillary said...

You always know how to jazz up those daily pics :-) Love the tights!

SHOEGAL said...

Love the tights! Try bright blue, green, teal - any colour you like really.

Mazie said...

OMG! Loud and proud!! Too cute!

lorrwill said...

I love your purple! I have bright blue and dark green (wearing dark green today). I need plum and teal. I would love a muted magenta pair but I am not bold enough for real red. You go girl.