Saturday, November 1, 2008

Fashion Flashback.....

Let's play a fun game....can you find 2 Cute on the Cheap gals in the first picture below (circa 1988 or 89...we're not quite sure)?

Here's a's the same 2 gals in the second picture approximately 10 years later.

Who would have EVER thought fashion would ever be in their future from the first picture?!?!?!?!

We figure it's only fair for our readers young and old to see that it's never too late to be fashionable...and that the 80's claimed victims of all ages. :-)

Enjoy! I know they made me laugh and smile when I came across them a few weeks ago...


Ally said...

I'm pretty sure my head exploded when I saw these. *sigh*

I like how we all have "Best Idea" certificates too...gotta love I LEAP!

You do know, however, it's on now, right? Gird your loins, Les.

Louella said...

you two are too cute! that was also girl scout time. i'm thinking 3rd and 4th grades for you all.

Toni said...

4th /5th grade ILEAP. I recognize the Christmas sweater that Leslie wore like one MILLION times until it just disintegrated in the wash!

Leslie said...

Dont let your head explode-theyre cute! We all have funny childhood pics--I thought they were cute and celebrated how long we have been friends! Youll be relieved to know this was all I found. But you are allowed to post a funny one of me if you have!

Daniel said...

Love the perm and the buck teeth, Ally. ;-)

Leslie said...

There was no bucking in Ally's teeth--at least compared to mine, who's orthodontist said they were the worst he'd ever had to work on! Ally's were downright straight.

And the perm--well, we all had them. And they were equally bad on all of us!

Pearly said...

K, Leslie was easy, but I am torn on Ally. I NEED A HINT.

Ally said...

Yeah, my teeth weren't bucked - they actually were straight - I just had a gap between the front two :) And Leslie's right, with her around, it made my teeth look like perfection. Orthodontics worked wonders on us both!

I'm the one who looks like she hit the bottle :)

Leslie - there have got to be older pics of us, right? Or would 4th/5th grade be the first b/c we were in the same class?

Hillary said...

This is too cute! Isn't memory lane great?