Friday, June 26, 2009

Word of the Day

Let's play a word game. Here are your clues:

8 letters

4 vowels

If you do the standard "R, S, T, L, N, E" there is one "T" and one "N"

It's a "holiday" all right




Did you guess? The word of the day is VACATION!!!!!!!!!!!! Let's hope I am not nearly as sick as I was last year on vacation where I laid under the umbrella knocked up on narcotics for a week.

That's right folks, in 24 hours yours truly will be en route to Hilton Head for the yearly pilgramage to the beach, bubbly pool, fried food, 8 calorie ice cream and outlet malls. I absolutely cannot wait. I need to get away and have a change of scenery for a few days in a desperate sort of way.

If I have anything semi fashionable at all to show during vacation, I will take a picture and post later. But in the interim, I have back dated a few posts so you will still have entries to read while I am out of commission.


Toni said...

You are a vacay addict!

Just where are these cute, adorable
clothes from??????????

Ally said...

I'm going to go out on a limb and guess Cabi...

Leslie said...

Many of the items are "tagged". The shirt is the only thing that isnt. Mom, quit stirring things up. :)

Legal Editor Mom said...

Ok so what is 8 calorie ice cream? Or is that a typo? If not, I want to know about it!

Leslie said...

Nope, no typo!

It really is 8 calories/oz so a 5 oz frozen yogurt cup is 40 calories and its delicious! The hard part to find it is that it can only be sold at independent stories--no chains--but it is fabulous and one of my favorite parts about vacation!!