Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Wanted: My Camera Back

Fur Lined Puffy Vest: Ann Taylor Loft

Wrap Tee: Cabi

White Shirt: Brooks Brothers

Camel Pants: Ann Taylor

Boots (not seen): Maripa

Bad news. My camera, crappy as it is, is missing. Yeah. So you're getting a Blackbery picture today because that's all I have at the moment. And we (my co-worker and me) couldn't get a full length shot. So sorry. Hopefully I'll be able to locate the camera this evening. Because here's the deal-- either I find my camera or this blogging expedition is over. And I dont want that to be the case. But in the last 4 months, I've had to buy a new laptop (my 6 year old one literally fell apart), refridgerator/freezer (don't even get me started-- my 2.5 year old one crashed and burned and warranty is only one year) and tv (well, the tv was the only one I didn't HAVE to buy but I got such a great deal and I wanted HD). So no more electronics for me for a long while. Seriously. Need to find camera, because as old and crappy as it is, it's still better than the cell phone camera.

I walked out the door this morning to more snow! Ugh. So I layered and wore my puffy vest with a hood so I didnt have to carry an umbrella walking to the office. I know snow is precipitation just like rain, but I always feel dumb carrying an umbrella in the snow. But I feel very eskimo wearing my furry hood vest. So I went with the latter today.


Anonymous said...

Oh lady! No! That camera had BETTER turn up, and fast.

Kelly said...

Am I crazy? I always thought you lived in KY, but when you mentioned snow now I'm doubting that. Because there is absolutely no chance of snow for me - we're in the 60s!

Also, do we have to launch a search party for the camera? Because the idea of losing my dose of Leslie is disheartening!

Leslie said...

Kelly- Here is a little secret just between the 2 of us ;-)

Sometimes if I wear cute things several days in a row and not the next week, I space my posts out some. So this was posted about a week ahead of when I actually wrote the post and wore the outfit.

Think back to last week and you'll get it :-)

KT said...

It is 60 degrees here today. The Eskimos have packed up and left town. I'm sure they will be back soon.

Hillary said...

Oh I hope you find your camera! I love seeing your postings!

Kelly said...

Oooo, you are sneaky ;-)