Monday, February 2, 2009

Evolving Look and No More Cowgirl

Red Shirt: NY and Co

Rodeo Belt: CAbi

Pencil Skirt: CAbi

Boots: Maripa

So it's no secret that I sometimes wear the same thing I wore on the weekend to work on Monday. The same people don't see me so why not? Monday's are hard enough without having to think of what to wear in the morning.

It's amazing how changing pants/skirts can change the total look of an outfit. When I wore this over the weekend I felt all cowgirl in jeans but I don't think it looks that way at all with a plaid pencil skirt.

How have you worn items in your wardrobe one way and then have had them look completely different when you wear another way?


Christina said...

Love the outfit today. Very chic.

Anonymous said...

I do that too! I would've worn yesterday's outfit today, but I had a dentist appointment and didn't think they'd appreciate the miniskirt.

That color is gorgeous on you, lady. Seriously.

Legal Editor Mom said...

I used to try to keep work clothes for work and casual clothes for the weekends/non-work days, but then I realized just what you said; you don't see the same people, plus you can totally change the look of an outfit by swapping out a piece. So now I shop for more versatile pieces. This outfit is perfect for a work day.

Vaia said...

I absolutely do this too!! I often try an outfit for church and then wear it the next day to work. Especially if it got lots of kudos.

Cathryn said...

I also repeat outfits from the weekend during the work week. Almost every Monday I wear whatever I wore to church on Sunday. It's so convenient!

Leslie said...

I love that I am not the only one repeating Sunday outfits on Monday!!