Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Shopaholic and Me :-)

Jacket: Ann Taylor

Cardigan: The Limited

Cami: Old Navy

Belt: The Limited

Jeans: Cabi

Pumps: Pleaser

Purse: Beijo "Unchain My Heart"

Anyone who knows me knows that I was beyond excited to see "Confessions of a Shopaholic." I adored the books, own and have read all 5, and couldn't wait to see how they made the movie. I hadn't been that excited for a movie premiere since The Devil Wears Prada (which funny side story-- I drug my entire family to it when we were on vacation in Hilton Head a few years ago and told them they all had to wear their most fashionable outfit to attend with me (I even bought tickets for everyone I was so pumped). Well they, and the rest of the theatre, looked at me like I was crazy as I bebopped into the theatre wearing designer jeans, a funky printed tee and gold heels, and boucned on my seat in excitement, surrounded by khaki short and flip flops!)

So on Valentines Day, Jamie, our friend Kim and me had a total girls day. We met for cupcakes at 2:30 (where Kim surprised us with gifts-- The Little Pink Book of Elegance: The Modern Girl's Guide to Living with Style!) and then headed out to movie #1 of the day "He's Just Not That Into You." (Side note--LOVED IT!!!! Seriously, every girl saw them self in some way in that movie even if you didn't want to admit it. I'll own up to being guilty of the "casual drive by" before).

We then headed to have a fabulous dinner at Cafe Lou Lou and then to Tinseltown for an evening showing of "Confessions of a Shopaholic." I was tres excited in the lobby as you can tell by my picture posing with the handbag sign. I wasn't the only one--the line to get into the movie was like a fashion show.

So all that said, my thoughts on the movie were this: It was cute, it was fun, the clothes were nice (but not nearly as good as Sex and the City) but they didn't do the books justice at all. I think my biggest issue is that they totally messed up the character of Luke Brandon. In the books, Luke is a little standoffish, a little edgy, a little egotistical, and completely intriging and appealing. I didn't really find Hugh Dancy's Luke to be any of those things. Isla Fisher was a great Becky though.

Did you see the movie? What did you think?


Classy Fab Sarah said...

I thought the books didn't do the movie justice.

The clothes were a little off to me, and Becky was just okay.

I agree about Luke - they butchered him. BUT, I did find Hugh Darcy to be tres cute.

Kendra Taylor said...

My boyfriend just bought me the book for valentines and I saw the movie friday but as I began to read the book...the movie seems not much like it....Luke was definately different...I luvd the movie though :) I am excited to keep reading the book...it seems great too! ~Kendra~ Oh and I agree Sex and The City had much more fashion variety! ~Kendra~

KT said...

Ok, they did botch Luke but I loved the clothes even more than Sex and the City I think. Except Charlotte. I'm going to see the movie for a second time tonight.

Toni said...

Can I have that cardigan?