Monday, February 16, 2009

Ready for warmer weather!

Pink Sweater: Ann Taylor Loft

Charcoal Pinstripe Pants: Hi Polly

Black Turtleneck: The Limited

Pumps: Pleaser

It's been so cold I haven't worn my pink sweater since I bought it because it's not long sleeved. Understandable. But I got tired of staring at it hanging in the closet and decided it was time to take the tags off and start layering. I still like the style sweater better without anything underneath, but this gets the job done. Besides pink makes everything brighter. Now if only it would get warm enough to wear my skinny gray ankle pants again...I think they would look much cuter with the shirt.


Kendra Taylor said...

I luv the pink layered over black...I personally luv the layered look!! I always try to wear some kind of just feels more fun hehe :) U look great! ~Kendra~

Anonymous said...

I like it layered too. Then again, I am the queen of layering - today's count 4! However, I agree, I liked the warmer temps of last week!