Monday, July 6, 2009

They always say blondes have more fun...

Blonde Hair and Bangs: The Chopping Block

Madras Jacket: Ann Taylor Loft

Cami: Old Navy

Skirt: The Limited

Belt: The Limited

Pumps: Steve Madden

I've been feeling in a rut, which I usually address with my favorite mood enhancing drug of choice -- the salon! I went in wanting change and left with it!

Most people who read this blog probably have no clue that, up until about 3 years ago, I had heavy blonde highlights (from about the time I was 12 til I was 25). I was wanting change then, went to a new colorist and we took my hair to a warm chestnut brown where it has stayed, give or take a couple shades, for the past 3 years (my natural color is an ashy brown).

Well, my hair fades horribly in the sun and I wanted a change so I decided to just go back to the blonde just for the summer months (as well as add some pixie like bangs across my forehead as opposed to side swiping them like I always have--which is making me crazy, just for the record).

Reaction has been mixed -- some of my family members have always hated my hair dark (I always loved it so I told them I didnt care!) so they were overjoyed with the return to blondeness. But some people have told me that, while change is always good, they prefer me as a brunette. I have to say, I lean towards agreeing with the latter. I just feel warmer and more "me" with chesnut hair.

Below is another picture taken the next day at Churchill Downs in natural light so you can see the color better--and see that Im already trying to shove the bangs to the side!

But that said...some of my most fun times in life have been as a it cant be all that bad!

What do you think? Blonde or brunette?

11 comments: said...

You look stunning as a blonde :)

Ashley said...

Not that my vote matters since I'm one of the family members that like you better as blonde but for the record, I'm going to say it.


Legal Editor Mom said...

It's your hair and your opinion that matters most, but since you asked for personal preference on you is the chestnut brown. To me it looks more natural.

Anonymous said...

I love it, lady! I do like the bangs pushed off to the side, though ...

Milly said...

cute jacket....i like going lighter for the summer too, wont be doing it this yr though.....its a fun change.

Kelly said...

You are so pretty either way, but if I had to choose I would go with the brown. But I'm biased :)

Audi said...

It's great to change up your hair and have fun with it. If I had to choose I'd say I prefer the chestnut, but you look fantastic as a blonde!

Louella said...

I was looking at pictures of you and Ally recently from several years ago and you were a blonde and I loved that look. You also have my vote on being a blonde. It's so Leslie!

Unknown said...

I am the lovely shade of dirty blonde and I add more & lighter highlights in the summer and I think it looks good; you look refreshed. I like the bangs both ways! Versitility is key

Mom of Three said...

I like the blonde, I think the brown was too dark for you. The blonde makes you look younger. But you look pretty either way!!! Go for what makes you comfortable!

Hillary said...

Even though I think you can go either way, I probably like the darker look. BUT...I love the change for the warm months. Oh and I also thought the side swept bangs were cute, but I know what a hassle they can be throughout the day.