Saturday, March 7, 2009

Weekend -- Ally

How about this weather??? It's 74 as I type this and we're expecting a record high today. We had snow just a few weeks ago - it's crazy but welcomed!

Sweater: NY&Co.

Navy cami: Old Navy

Denim pencil skirt: Lands' End

Tights: Target

Boots: Frye

Scarf: vintage Echo

Bracelets: Old Navy

I've decided I don't care for the Target tights. They're the same price as the Walmart ones, but they're SO SHEER and look really cheap because of that. The Walmart/George ones are much more opaque and have a softer waistband.

This is the color my boots started off but after a couple of years of wear, they're so much more worn and I love them.

Frye Women's Harness 12R


Leslie said...

Are your tights the Merona brand? I love those! Ive never had brown but I have black and plum and they arent opaque AT ALL. Are yours a different Target brand?

Unknown said...

As your friend, I would like to Thank you for remebering that it is still wore the tights and the boots, so weather appropriate....I had to work today but as I was leaving the hospital this afternoon, I encounter the follwing: 2 pairs of booty shorts, 4 pairs of flip flops; 2 very tight tank tops with HUGE boobies hanging out and 2 "wife beaters"...HELLO people, are you new to Nashville, it will probably snow on Monday...and for God's sake if you are going to wear flip flops, shell out $10 and get a cheap pedicure! Ok, I am done now...

Ally said...

Les - They're Merona and they're not nearly as opaque as the George (Walmart) ones. The difference is kinda ridiculous - I don't get it.

Kari - This is why we're friends :) I've been blown away today by the folks who were dressed like it's 95 and sunny out. IT'S STILL WINTER.

I went out earlier tonight and had the nerve to wear OPEN TOE shoes with no socks. I figured that was enough for me. Maybe I'm uptight, but seriously. WINTER. We'll have snow next week too!!

Boutique Girl said...

Cute boots - I love it when boots get to the worn stage and no longer look new!

Ally said...

Thanks, WendeeB!!

BG - I love that too :)

Anonymous said...

This outfit is ADORABLE. A+ You look fabulous darling!

E said...

Oh my gosh, I just want to squeeze you. You are the cutest thing in the whole world - I just want to pick you up and go to SXSW!