Thursday, October 2, 2008

Basic black and flashes of color

Black Pinstripe Pants: Harold's

Black Chunky Knit Cardigan: The Limited

Aqua Tee: Old Navy

Scarf: Mark

Pumps: BCBGirls

Multi-looped chrome earrings: NY and Co (my current favorites!)

I bought this cardigan back in June-- it was actually a summer item with the short sleeves but I thought it could be great as a fall layering piece and could be truly multi-seasonal (I've gotten to the point that I rarely purchase items that can't work for 3 seasons of the year--seems like a waste of money otherwise...) For some reason, I've rarely layered short sleeves over long sleeves in the past and I decided I was going to do more of it this year. This bright colored tee and scarf seemed a great place to start!

This poor scarf is going to be dingy and worn out by the end of the season, I've been giving it so much love. It just has so many colors in it so it goes with everything and allows me to incorporate other colors I hadn't previously into the outfit in an easy, effortless way. Seems to me like that's the description of a great accessory!


Kelly said...

I love the scarf!

and that reminds me of a similar black sweater I have, it's probably time to get all my fall stuff out of my attic and find it!

Anonymous said...

Don't blame ya - that scarf is killer.